"Look, my Lord!"

The adjutant’s voice in his ear looked down his finger at a beautiful girl, but her body was wrapped in beautiful pale green quarrelling.
A group of swordsmen!
Carter was taken aback. You know, although the mainland of Sderot attaches importance to magical martial arts, there are not many masters. Even though he himself only passed the examination of the junior swordsmen of the swordsmen’s union, his look became a little dignified because he didn’t know whether the girl was an enemy or a friend.
"Get ready to fight!"
The spaceship slows down, energy shield rises, and the magic gun has locked the target …
"This is the identity of the local garrison in Star Luocheng, Moya Empire!"
Lieutenant Lily, the pro-guard regiment of the Griffin Legion of the Holy Alliance, the girl stopped. I demand to see your commander.
Carter was shocked by the queen’s invitation to Julianne to visit the Moya Empire. Is the famous beauty head nearby? Carter, of course, dare not neglect, of course, he will not be credulous because of each other’s words, but after the girl handed the Griffin legion badge, his expression became more respectful than "I am the Garrison Commander of Star City and Carter Welcome Pavilion"
"Sister Anna, look!" Watching the spaceship land slowly, Julianne also smiled. There are still thousands of miles from St. Louis, the capital of Moya Empire, and you can’t fly by yourself
It is a good choice to borrow the goblin airship from the city guards.
Three hours later, the spaceship arrived in the city of St. Louis, and the news of the attack on Julianne also came out. In addition to consternation or consternation, someone actually assassinated a holy order. The wrath of the powerful queen has already thoroughly investigated Lan Yunpeng, who is even more worried about thinking about it and dying. Fortunately, Lily has been chatting too much and wandering around just in time, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable.
Here comes 295.
Being one of the three military leaders of the Holy Alliance, Julianne, is more noble than being greeted by the Queen herself, which still makes people a little surprised.
The breeze blew by, and it was near evening. The afterglow of the sunset added a golden haze to everything. The harbor had been redecorated and several people were waiting quietly.
"Sister is coming."
Molly looked up and saw a faint shadow in the distant sky, but the court magician had made the imaging technique clearly show the image of the spaceship in front of the queen.
The gangway was first put by Sineitai members, and then Julianne came slowly. It is better to meet Julianne than to be famous. is not only one of the three military leaders of the Holy Alliance, but also a stunning beauty in the mainland of Sderot. Everyone’s breathing seems to have stopped. It seems that Venus, the goddess of China, has come to the world. People can’t help but quietly look at the young queen and her side, Alice Maud Mary, Julianne, who are completely different in beauty, but it is hard to imagine that there are such stunning beauty in the world.
The three girls also looked at each other, but Molly Kui and Alice soon turned their eyes to another person. It was an elegant and beautiful girl with a slightly tired face. Although she was not herself, she was also a beauty in a million.
"Sister Anna, Sister Susu, welcome to Moya Empire"
"You’re welcome!" Julianne saluted, and now Molly is not what she used to be, even though she has to pay tribute to her, and Alice has sneaked away to Susie.
Be the most naughty mermaid ever. This girl is Cong Bi. Since she wants to be Lan Yunpeng’s girlfriend, of course, she should do well with Su Su.
One after another, the flattery was lost. Susu heard a little language and had to sigh that the little mermaid was very likable. It was French anger to guess that she was "hostile" to her boyfriend.
The reception ceremony was very smooth, but Lan Yunpeng didn’t attend. After all, it is definitely more troublesome for him if he is seen by a willing heart.
In return, Julianne also gave a gift to the Moya Empire. Erlant wanted Orwell to be bad for the purple swordsmen’s girlfriend, but at this critical moment, Lily had a terrible ice and dragon’s breath to freeze him, so Julianne handed Erlant over to the Moya Empire.
At the same time, Glory City, the capital of Wan Li Remote Holy Alliance.
"Damn it!" Aiden Reyes shattered the desk in front of him with a palm. This colonel’s face was full of irate look. This time, Julianne was killed, and the sky was sewn. I didn’t know it was still a failure, but I managed to attract two masters, and the blood was the best terrain.
It’s not so easy to sneak attack after Julianne is bound to be on high alert. It’s definitely a big threat for the Griffin legion to be afraid of combat effectiveness and implement its plan.
But depression can’t solve the problem. Ardennes’ anger has gradually subsided. Now that the land of Sderot has begun to show chaos, there will always be opportunities …
And after a few days of contact with Molly Kui and Alice, the Moya Empire discovered a big secret. The original two girls, Lan Yunpeng’s girlfriend, that is, Susu, didn’t know Julianne … Did you make a mistake? When did this guy look honest at ordinary times? When did the beauty head also soak up the queen and the little mermaid looked at each other? I couldn’t tell whether he was surprised or angry … or both.
Sue and Julianne are even more ice-snow girls. If you can’t see that the queen and Alice are worried about Lan Yunpeng’s mind, it has indeed become a reality. Jealousy is certain that two women have not given someone a good look in private. The bad guy himself has committed himself to him and has been flirting everywhere in an unguarded moment.
"Wife, don’t pinch me. I didn’t mean to. I just couldn’t help it." Lan Yunpeng’s sad face escaped and reached her waist. Although being a magician, Susu had little strength, it was also very painful for a girl to pinch people!
I can’t help it … To be honest, if the explanation is reasonable from the perspective of onlookers, after all, my girl is also amazed at the magic of the creator. Alice and Molly are both incomparable beauty.
Understandability is one thing, acceptance is another. What kind of girl can be calm about her lover? Even Julianne’s eyes are full of bitterness. But Julianne needs to be steady and jealous, which can’t solve the problem. She sighed faintly. "Peng, what are you going to do?"
"I’m sorry!" Lan Yunpeng gently holds two women’s hands and feels a little guilty, but what can he say now? Susu and Julianne really like them, but how can Alice and Molly turn a blind eye to their affection? Although the playboy is wrong, men … Alas, sometimes self-control is almost!
Admit your mistake honestly. Unfortunately, there is no washboard, no keyboard and no CPU in the different world. Facing your boyfriends, Lai Julianne and Su Su immediately looked at each other. The bad guy looked like a willing punishment, but it was a euphemism to accept those two girls himself.
Lan Yunpeng, there is no way to have a two-life memory. Of course, he starved to death in vain, timid and daring. Apologizing for this kind of thing is that he has to be thick-skinned after losing his happiness.
Sure enough, whether it’s a beautiful head or a smart girl from Bauhinia College, I don’t know how to express it at the moment.
"Sister Anna, what shall we do?"
In the end, the two women didn’t explain their attitude. After driving Lan Yunpeng away, Su Su and Julianne discussed that the attack on the journey was thrilling, but it greatly deepened the friendship between the two women. This problem is naturally a common advance and retreat for the two women.
"What do you think of Molly and Alice?"
"Well, it’s not bad. The queen is kind, easy-going and easy to get along with Alice …" Susie said here, but she couldn’t help laughing. That girl has been trying to please herself these days. Susie didn’t understand her meaning, but she still felt funny. "Sister?"
Julianne sighed. "Otherwise, what should we do? The bad guy has explained his attitude like us!" Since I became Lan Yunpeng’s girlfriend, although it has not been exposed to the public, in private, they often secretly date in quiet places. How can Julianne not understand his boyfriend Lan Yunpeng, although he is usually very accommodating and respects himself, but it is because of love, that is, spoil.

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标题:广州推拿正骨培训班:传承中医技艺,助力健康事业 随着现代生活节奏的加快,人们对健康的需求日益增长,中医推拿正骨作为一门古老而有效的保健治疗方法,越来越受到人们的青睐。广州,作为我国南部的重要城市,汇聚了众多优秀的中医推拿正骨培训机构。本文将为您详细介绍广州推拿正骨培训班,帮助您了解其优势、课程内容以及如何选择合适的培训班。 一、广州推拿正骨培训班的优势 1. 师资力量雄厚 广州推拿正骨培训班拥有经验丰富的师资队伍,他们不仅拥有深厚的中医理论基础,还具备丰富的临床实践经验。在教学中,老师们能够深入浅出地讲解推拿正骨的理论知识,并亲自示范操作手法,确保学员能够掌握实用技能。 2. 课程设置全面 广州推拿正骨培训班课程设置全面,包括中医基础理论、人体解剖学、经络腧穴学、推拿手法、正骨技术、艾灸、刮痧、拔罐等。学员可以系统地学习中医推拿正骨的各个方面,为今后的职业发展打下坚实基础。 3. 实操教学突出 广州推拿正骨培训班注重实操教学,学员在理论学习的基础上,可以亲自动手实践,掌握推拿正骨的实际操作技巧。部分培训班还提供实习机会,让学员在实际工作中提升自己的技能。 4. 学员服务完善 广州推拿正骨培训班注重学员服务,为学员提供舒适的上课环境、专业的教材资料、定期举办讲座和活动等。此外,部分培训班还为学员提供就业指导和推荐,助力学员顺利就业。 二、广州推拿正骨培训班课程内容 1. 中医基础理论:讲解中医的基本概念、阴阳五行、脏腑经络等,为学员奠定扎实的理论基础。 2. 人体解剖学:介绍人体各器官、系统的结构、功能及相互关系,帮助学员了解推拿正骨的解剖基础。 3. 经络腧穴学:讲解经络、腧穴的基本知识,以及常用穴位的归经、主治,为学员提供丰富的治疗选择。 4. 推拿手法:教授各种推拿手法,如推、拿、揉、捏、点、拨等,帮助学员掌握推拿技巧。 5. 正骨技术:讲解正骨的基本原则、手法及注意事项,让学员掌握正骨技巧。 6. 艾灸、刮痧、拔罐等:介绍中医理疗技术,帮助学员拓展治疗手段。 三、如何选择合适的广州推拿正骨培训班 1.