广州桑拿论坛,广州条友网,佛山品茶网,夜生活论坛 广州夜网 How can I directly meet the duke’s young celestial emperor and pass him a piece of pure leisure fairy yu, the younger brother of Qing N, and push it back? If you sell it in a rare way, the duke of Jin Xian will definitely meet you directly. If you come at a bad time, the duke is not so busy at ordinary times.

How can I directly meet the duke’s young celestial emperor and pass him a piece of pure leisure fairy yu, the younger brother of Qing N, and push it back? If you sell it in a rare way, the duke of Jin Xian will definitely meet you directly. If you come at a bad time, the duke is not so busy at ordinary times.

It’s no big deal for the young Emperor to see that Qing N’s younger brother pushed Xian yu back. He was surprised that Qing N’s younger brother was just a golden egg, and it was not easy for him to resist this fairy yuyuhu.
Where did he know that brother Qing N was absolutely not allowed to be bribed? Once the investigation was tragic, he took the initiative to report who bribed himself and what level he bribed. Qing N would give a one-third reward, of course, after looking for that bribe.
Take a bribe and you will die. If you refuse, you will take a third for nothing. Everyone knows how to choose.
Up to now, no one has complained about the strict rules of N, mainly because it is too easy to build low-level immortals in vain, and it is possible to block the Qing N Road by this means and try to corrupt it.
To tell the truth, there is a steady stream of benefits in Qing N. Who wants to leave Qing N? The training base can meet the contribution of N school and give extra rewards.
The connection position of the young Emperor from the pier to the pier of the Voldemort City is actually equivalent to an outer city where new arrivals will live.
Waibiecheng is a place full of vitality. Even in Waibiecheng, you can feel the surging immortal power.
The young emperor went straight to the city and went to the city. N, the angular city, N, was written with immortal words, but it was green N. This formula was engraved around the city, with half and the other half in N.
For a gas refiner in the then period, this formula is precious. In the eyes of the young Emperor of Heaven, it is still hidden until the realm of Luo Jinxian is cultivated. Every time the realm rises, you can see a realm formula.
This is that the green N hides the si formula deeper than other N factions. In dng days, this green N is just as rebellious.
You know, to come to the four N factions is to rely on absolute control to make the N faction strong.
If you can’t find a suitable formula for refining gas, you can get advanced achievement method only if you join the big N faction.
Once you join, you will never retreat, and you will be assimilated into this rule by the N faction, so that the power of this rule will snowball.
And the formula given by heaven to outsiders has never been exhausted or defective or modified, and it can be cultivated to a certain level.
Qing n, this formula can be cultivated to the realm of pick Jin Xian, and it is impossible to achieve the Emperor of Heaven, but this formula has no defects.
It’s all like green n, then the means of sending large n will be weakened
No wonder this green n is thriving
Although the formula has been published, but if you want to practice, you still have an advantage, but this advantage is no longer fatal.
City n Star Warriors guard almost hundreds of star warriors on both sides of the wall. These powerful star warriors can instantly block this wide city n and establish a steel defense line.
Responsible for checking the passers-by is the younger brother of Qing N, then there are four people guarding a city, and their inspection method is also very simple, so that everyone who enters the city can report their names.
The young celestial emperor noticed that the people who entered the city were questioned, which was almost equal to the fact that there was no forbidden law in N, and it was very powerful. However, for the inferno protoss class, he saw two celestial immortals go hand in hand, but it was not the first time to enter the city for the second time, and brother N directly released them.
But it costs money to enter the city.
This is not cheap, but considering that the city has released a piece of fairy yu, the price is very low
If you don’t see the details of re-export with your own eyes, you will lose. People who really want to see this formula don’t care about the price of a fairy yu.
The two celestial immortals in Qing N didn’t have the immortal level yu gave two good immortals yu, but some poor gas refiners gave them the best immortals yu, which is really of little value to Qing N.
The young Emperor of Heaven paid seven cents before he came to N, and they were my hands.
The large array in N didn’t respond. The young celestial emperor said it was true. N Qing N brother let go. The yu Ding celestial emperor felt bored and couldn’t help saying, I want to see the duke. I want to sell all the secrets, so that he can cultivate Jin Xian.
Keep n brother laughed fairy long can go to the castellan mansion directly requested such things we are not responsible for.
Thank you for pointing out that yu Ding sent a pearl with his hand, but it was a rare thing in the body of the dragon in the celestial world. It was only this thing that the celestial world fought all the year round.
Brother Shou N threw the beads into the box beside him. That’s what he took into the box.
Yu Ding Tiandi sighed and asked the road with six hands before coming to the duke’s house.
The Lord of Voldemort City has changed a few people today. Finally, he is still in charge of Van Disease. The commander-in-chief of Van Disease is talented. No, he has been in charge of Voldemort City for several years, and Voldemort City has become more and more prosperous.
Yu Ding Tiandi kept his brother N saying what he had come for, and that brother N brought yu Ding Tiandi to the living room without careful investigation. If he cheated, it would be no good, and he would not be afraid of malicious people. Even yu Ding Tiandi felt scared under the strong rules of Voldemort City.
In this magic city, your strength is less pressed to about 20%, but your strength is equivalent to an ordinary strength of the top five emperors in heaven.
The rules of the Voldemort City are strong. Maybe the demon family refiner can’t lift the wind lng. What can I do?
I heard that celestial immortals sell the formula of picking up Jin Xian. After thinking about it, Fan Bing came to see yu Ding Tiandi personally.
Yu Dingtian Emperor was surprised to see that Fan was a fairy of the order of Luo Jinxian, and it seemed insufficient for a Luo Jinxian to guard the city.
Qing n’s wealth is very considerable. What can I do if I am defeated by people?
However, he immediately realized that the central peak of the city is the core of the city’s true strength. Even a younger brother who is then fighting this city is not a problem. This is not the control of heaven and does not need high strength.
Yu Ding, the Emperor of Heaven, surrendered to Fei Bing, saying that the duke was being original. yu Ding wanted to see Bai Qizhang n.
Fan bing laughed and said, "Xian Chang is the rank of Emperor of Heaven. I don’t know which day it is."
Round day that yu Ding sent emperor also real answer.

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