广州桑拿论坛,广州条友网,佛山品茶网,夜生活论坛 广州夜网 "Did you live here before?" Li Lu asked, clutching his nose and mouth. It’s so smelly here that she can breathe.

"Did you live here before?" Li Lu asked, clutching his nose and mouth. It’s so smelly here that she can breathe.

Gong Sunqi also covers his nose and mouth. It stinks a thousand times more than the room where he came to live in this world. "I’ll ask."
GongSunQi separate a member, let the member ask Zun in the past, and take Li Lu out. When there is a member, GongSunQi can know whatever he asks.
When the doppelganger disappeared, Gong Sunqi sneered at the kaleidoscope of his eyes and once again revealed, "Let’s go to another place and tell you where I used to live."
Separate the doppelganger and let the doppelganger go out and look for another picture in my mind, "Come with me"
"Where are you going this time?"
"My home is here in front of my house" Gong Sunqi has been very sure that his memory has been tampered with, but the picture that did not appear suddenly appeared in his memory.
"The woman in the picture must be"
"Is this it? It’s so shabby here."
Although it is a rich area, this villa is uninhabited for a long time.
Press the doorbell and a mechanical woman comes out.
Fingerprint identification confirmed. Welcome back, young master’
"Master! !”
What does this word stand for? It goes without saying that this villa is Gongsunqi’s room.
The door opened, and GongSunQi walked in with Li Lu. A robot was started by the return of its master and staggered to them.
"I haven’t seen you for three years, eleven months and four days."
"Tidy up the room," said Gong Sunqi.
More and more mysteries are puzzling the mysterious organization of Gongsunqi. Should we remember Gongsunqi because of the combination of magic and power, or should we say that the mysterious power of body awakening?
"Mysterious power! ! !”
GongSunQi stare big eyes, this mysterious force obviously does not belong to this world, but this world can be regarded as a magical power, which is chakra. So what exactly is this mysterious force? Shukaku said it was a force of nature, and later this mysterious force became a water magic because of that fruit.
Is it because of this mysterious power?
With a mystery, the robot led by Gong Sunqi came to his parents’ room and looked at the dusty room in front of him. Gong Sunqi said, "This is my parents’ house. It’s a surprise."
From nodded. "Well, you were a poor man when you were in junior high school, but you can live here and have such a room and a robot, so you are not a poor man. What happened to you?"
"I also want to know what happened to me. I feel that I have a mystery. The mysterious organization suddenly came to me indiscriminately and tried to kill me. And the memory in my brain seems to have been tampered with. I just took you to the garbage dump and someone tampered with my memory. Make sure I passed. This is also in my mind. Make sure I brought you here."
Gong Sunqi picked up the table photo, cleaned up the photo dust and looked at the photo. Gong Sunqi stared at the woman in the photo and couldn’t help but shed tears.
Li Lu hugged Gong Sunqi from behind and stuck his face behind him. "No matter who you are, I will follow you."
This simple sentence touched the heart of Gong Sunqi, and the last defensive barrier was completely destroyed because of this sentence. In junior high school, he may have felt something about Li Lu, but now after seeing Li Lu again, Gong Sunqi thought it was like Li Lulu and Li Li Lu entered the Li family to inquire about the mysterious organization.
Chapter 215 I believe you will protect me
Now, because of this simple sentence by Li Lu, the defensive barrier built by GongSunQi completely collapsed.
Shaking hands, I don’t know if I should hold Li Lu’s hands and close my eyes. Sun Qi doesn’t know what to do.
Take a deep breath and put the photo on. Sun Qi said slowly, "It’s dangerous to follow me. You also saw the mysterious organization chasing me and my memory tampering. Maybe it was the mysterious organization."
"I don’t care that I have made a big decision. That time we were in the wild together, that time when I told you that I was pregnant, you said that you wanted me to decide from that moment that maybe I would be yours in my life."
Li Lu’s tears also flowed. She unconsciously and inexplicably loved GongSunQi. She simply loved GongSunQi because of that sentence.
Li Lu was afraid that GongSunQi wouldn’t want her to pull out a reason "and who will treat me if I don’t follow you".
"And I believe you will protect me." The last sentence, Li Lu, is very gentle. It’s like trusting Sun Qixin with everything.
Gong Sunqi spat out a sigh of relief, holding Li Lu’s ring with both hands around his waist. "You will die like a fool. My partner has sacrificed my strength and never went to that strength again."
"If your partner dies, let me be your new partner. I’m not a vase. I want to fight with you, fight against the mysterious organization and find everything for you." This is Li Lu’s promise to Sun Qi.
"Well, since you’re not afraid of that," Gong Sunqi quickly turned around and picked up Li Lu. "Then you can be my person." He said, he put Li Lu on the bed with his hands propped up to show the kaleidoscope. It was overbearing to look at Li Lu.
Li Lu was flushed and weak. "Wait late, okay? At least tidy up the room first. This is your parents’ room after all."
"Well, you say," Gong Sunqi didn’t come, and he knew that now was not the time to do it, and he wanted this villa to find his own real memory. "Then we’ll clean this villa together."
From nodded trail "well"
"Shadow Separation" Gong Sunqi points out more than a dozen avatars facing the avatars, saying, "Organize one and bring it as soon as you find important clues."
Many people make things easy. More than a dozen busy people clean the villa together. Even if this villa is a three-story villa, it will be cleaned quickly. Almost a lot of things have been sorted out. All busy people put them in the living room for the body to watch slowly.
Looking at the photos and symbolic things, Gong Sunqi couldn’t remember what they were. Sitting on the sofa, his hands kept slapping his forehead, which made Li Lu feel distressed
"Don’t take your time like this, you can definitely find clues." Li Lu brought a glass of water to Sun Qi. "Drink some water first to relax."
Take the cup and drink it all at once. Drink it too fast. Some water runs down the corners of your mouth.
"My memory has really changed. I’m lucky to be able to remember that real memory, but I don’t remember anything about it. This photo shows a family of three going to an amusement park, but I don’t remember anything about it. I don’t even remember what my father used to do, what car, mobile phone or landline number."
Put your hand on the back of Gong Sunqi’s hand to comfort him. "Don’t worry, you can remember where your home is, and you will be able to slowly retrieve your lost memory."
"It’s easy to talk about losing your memory before you get it back." Gong Sunqi gave a wry smile.
"How about this? Let’s check the scenes in these photos online and ask Leng Yunhai to help us check our old place again. Maybe you can feel something," Li Lu suggested.
Gong Sunqi nodded. "Maybe this is also a way. Most of these places are places to play. Maybe I can remember. Thank you, Li Lu."
Somewhere, a doppelganger suddenly disappeared, and the hall body got up quickly after receiving the news of the doppelganger. It’s also unknown to elaborate, and rushed to the building.
Li Lu with GongSunQi after entering a room to see everything in the room, the warm baby’s room, and the soft sponge patchwork wall with the floor pad "where is this place? !”
Gong Sunqi stepped on tatami and looked at the desk and found an old diary. He stretched out his trembling hand and gently turned over the diary.
I’m going to get into the habit of keeping a diary from today, and I’m going to record every minute of every day. Even if I can’t live in the future, I’m going to let him know that his mother loves him.
A short sentence on the first page is full of maternal love. Turn to the second page and see the date on the diary "This was written three months after I was born"
The date on the first page of the diary also said that this diary has a history of more than ten years. Li Lu quietly watched Gongsunqi turn over page after page and looked at the delicate handwriting record.
"Wait here" Li Lu interrupted GongSunQi, pointing to a page in the diary. "There is a mezzanine here. Look at it."
When Gong Sunqi looked carefully, he really found that one page was glued together by the front and back pages, and it was hard to get that page out of the interlayer. However, the handwriting on this page was repaired by manual method unless special instruments or abilities were used.
Here they come ~ ~ ~ husband and wife ~ ~ children ~ ~ ~
"They are coming? Who are they? !” GongSunQi looked at this page a few words frowning thinking "behind the couple refers to them? Or parents? Is it me again? "
With doubts, Gong Sunqi turned to the back diary page until he finished reading it, but he didn’t find out who’ they’ meant and who’ husband and wife’ and’ children’ were people.
"This diary record should be from my childhood to my childhood. The last page was recorded ten years ago."
Ten years ago, Gong Sunqi was only six or seven years old, and this diary was recorded by that time.
Chapter 216 Seeking the truth
Seeing the depressed face of GongSunQi, Li Lu said, "Actually, this diary is not a record of your growing up, especially the records behind it all say where you went to play and where you went to travel. We can at least get directions from those places, right?"

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