
Chi Yao painfully looked at his bulging belly "Baby …"
Two hours later, Chi Yao was still not born. Her lips were chapped and two bottles of water were drunk, but Chi Yao just couldn’t be born. "Princess? Are you all right? "
Chi Yao is in a semi-coma at the moment, and I can’t hear the words in my ear.
"Shit, the princess has no strength." Fiona became nervous. "I have to get the medicine."
Karin hurriedly said, "No, you can’t go! What if you go to Chiyao? Tell me what medicine it is and I’ll get it! "
Fiona wrote a note to Karin "Go"
Karin walked out of the room with a note. As soon as the Queen saw Karin coming out, she immediately greeted him. "What happened to Karin? Is Chi Yao born? "
"No, she fainted. Fiona said she was going to get the medicine!" Karin said quickly, "It’s getting late. Go to rest first. I’ll send someone to inform you when Chi Yao is born."
"How can I sleep!" The queen sighed, "Go and get the medicine first."
"I’ll go with you!" Tally, who has been silent, suddenly said
"You?" Karin gave her a suspicious look. "I’ll go by myself. You’d better stay here!"
Looking at Karin’s disappearance, Tali’s face was slightly distorted, pulling Beth away from "I left Beth first"
The queen didn’t speak but sat quietly at the door.
Karin soon came with the medicine. Fiona gave the medicine to Chi Yao and pinched several of her people. "Princess, wake up!"
Chi Yao opened her eyes in a daze. She felt groggy and wanted to sleep! "I … ah!" She was just about to speak when a sharp pain hit her stomach. She cried and looked at her belly. She was still having a baby!
"Thank God you’re awake at last. Don’t sleep! Don’t sleep!"
Karin held her hand and gave her a mouthful of warm water to drink. "You can give birth by insisting on repeated efforts."
When the sky was a fish-belly grey, after an hour, there was finally a loud baby crying in the room. Fiona was holding her newborn baby. "I gave birth, and I finally gave birth!" It’s so hard!
I went to the bathroom and put warm water in the bathtub to wash the baby. Karin smiled, "It’s a girl!" "
"Congratulations!" Fiona smiles from ear to ear, too. The girl is in a solid position for the royal family!
Chi Yao has been tired and passed out. Karin is a little uneasy. Look at Chi Yao Fiona and touch Chi Yao’s forehead. "It’s okay. The princess is too tired and has fallen asleep … Show the child to the queen quickly!"
Karin knocked on the door and found the queen still sitting at the door.
The queen came over with a smile. "The baby is born."
"It’s a girl."
"Ha ha!" The queen looked at this delicate female doll premature and just born, which made her look small and wrinkled, but how can her children be beautiful in the eyes of her family! "This mouth is like Chi Yao!"
"I have to give her a name!" The queen couldn’t put it down, holding the doll.
"Let’s discuss it with Chi Yao," Karin suggested.
"She won’t promise …"
Three blocks away in Jingtai Hotel, Tabas frowned when he learned that the meeting with the queen was delayed. "What does the queen mean, are you kidding us?" He was ready, but he didn’t expect to receive a message saying that the meeting was delayed and didn’t even tell him how long it was delayed. Isn’t that keeping them waiting?
The three ambassadors were obviously unhappy that Jing Muyun was caught in the middle and squeezed his fists slightly. "Did you say what it was?"
"Didn’t say that the queen had to deal with something else temporarily, but … what took so long? Don’t say how long it will take! " It’s really unpleasant for the Prime Minister to be stood up when he slaps the table!
Tabas cocked his head and looked at a scene of Muyun. "Ray, why do I feel that you are angry?"
Jing Muyun relaxed his fists slightly, and several people around him were all looking at him. He relaxed slightly. "I think the Queen is so sorry for this."
"Anyway, Y country is a big country, other countries are buttering up, even R country. Don’t you help the queen speak?" Tabas stare at him and said.
Jing Muyun looked up at him. "I’m from R country, but I represent myself and not the country."
"That’s right!" Tabas nodded approvingly. "You can get a few more days’ salary. Go back to your room first."
Hearing the salary, Tabas saw Jingmuyun’s face look happy, so he diverted his sight.
"thank you"

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《广州石牌茗茶之旅:品味岭南茶韵,领略千年古城风情》 自古以来,茶文化便是中华民族的瑰宝,而在广州这座千年古城中,石牌茗茶更是独树一帜,承载着丰富的历史文化和独特的地域特色。近日,笔者有幸踏上了广州石牌茗茶之旅,一同感受那份悠远的岭南茶韵,领略千年古城的风情。 一、石牌茗茶的历史渊源 石牌茗茶起源于唐代,距今已有千年历史。相传,唐代诗人白居易曾游历此地,品茗赋诗,使得石牌茗茶声名远播。历经宋、元、明、清四代,石牌茗茶逐渐形成了独特的制作工艺和品质特点,成为岭南地区最具代表性的名茶之一。 二、石牌茗茶的品种与特点 石牌茗茶品种繁多,主要有石牌毛尖、石牌碧螺春、石牌乌龙等。其中,石牌毛尖以其香气浓郁、滋味鲜爽、回味悠长而著称。石牌碧螺春则色泽翠绿,形如螺旋,口感鲜爽回甘。石牌乌龙则香气馥郁,滋味醇厚,具有浓郁的茶韵。 石牌茗茶的特点在于其独特的地理环境、气候条件和制作工艺。石牌地处岭南,四季分明,雨量充沛,阳光充足,为茶树生长提供了得天独厚的条件。石牌茗茶采用传统手工制作工艺,讲究选材、炒制、晾晒等环节,保证了茶叶的品质。 三、石牌茗茶的文化内涵 石牌茗茶不仅是一种饮品,更是一种文化象征。在漫长的历史长河中,石牌茗茶承载着岭南地区的风土人情、民俗风情。茶道、茶艺、茶诗、茶画等,无不体现了石牌茗茶的文化内涵。 茶道:石牌茗茶讲究泡茶礼仪,泡茶时需注意水温、茶具、茶叶等,以达到最佳的品茗效果。茶道不仅是一种技艺,更是一种生活态度,体现了人们对美好生活的向往。 茶艺:石牌茗茶制作技艺精湛,从采摘、炒制、晾晒到包装,每一步都凝聚着茶农的辛勤汗水。茶艺不仅是一种技艺,更是一种文化传承,体现了岭南人民的智慧和勤劳。 茶诗:石牌茗茶历史悠久,历代文人墨客纷纷为之赋诗颂扬。茶诗既有对茶叶品质的赞美,也有对生活的感悟,丰富了石牌茗茶的文化内涵。 茶画:石牌茗茶与岭南山水相得益彰,许多茶画作品以石牌茗茶为主题,展现了岭南地区独特的自然风光和人文景观。 四、石牌茗茶之旅 来到石牌,可以参观石牌茗茶博物馆,了解石牌茗茶的历史渊源、制作工艺和文化内涵。此外,还可以走进茶农家中,亲手体验采摘、炒制茶叶的过程,感受茶农的辛勤劳动。 品尝石牌茗茶,是石牌茗茶之旅的重头戏。泡上一杯香气四溢的石牌毛尖,细细品味,让人陶醉其中。在品茗的同时,还可以欣赏到岭南地区的特色美食,如烧鹅、煲仔饭等,让人流连忘返。 结语 广州石牌茗茶之旅,是一次穿越时空的文化之旅。在这里,我们可以品味到千年古城的风情,感受到岭南茶韵的独特魅力。让我们共同走进石牌,领略这份悠远的岭南茶韵,传承这份宝贵的文化遗产。


夏日炎炎,我国南方的城市仿佛被一场无形的热浪笼罩,其中,广州这座繁华的都市更是以其独特的“32度桑拿”体验,成为了夏日里的一大特色。在这篇文章中,我们将带你领略广州32度桑拿的独特魅力。 一、广州32度桑拿的由来 广州位于我国南方,属于亚热带季风气候,夏季高温多湿,是我国著名的“火炉”城市之一。在这样的气候条件下,广州的夏季气温常常高达32度以上,湿度更是高达80%以上。在这样的天气里,人们仿佛置身于一个巨大的蒸笼中,汗水湿透了衣背,仿佛在进行一场“32度桑拿”。 二、广州32度桑拿的体验 1. 空调房间的诱惑 在32度桑拿的夏日,空调房间成为了人们向往的避暑胜地。当你走进空调房间,凉爽的空气瞬间让人感觉神清气爽。坐在沙发上,吹着空调,品尝一杯冰镇饮料,仿佛置身于世外桃源。 2. 水上乐园的狂欢 广州的夏日,各大水上乐园成为了人们消暑的好去处。在炎炎夏日,穿上泳装,尽情畅游在清凉的水中,感受水花溅起的瞬间,让人忘却了高温的烦恼。 3. 冰淇淋的诱惑 在32度桑拿的夏日,冰淇淋成为了人们的最爱。甜美的口感,清凉的感觉,让人在炎炎夏日中找到了一丝清凉。 4. 舒适的家居生活 在32度桑拿的夏日,舒适的家居生活显得尤为重要。在家中,放下疲惫的身躯,享受空调带来的凉爽,让身心得到充分的休息。 三、广州32度桑拿的启示 1. 爱心与关怀 在32度桑拿的夏日,人们更加关注彼此的关爱。家人、朋友、同事之间的关心与帮助,让这个夏日不再孤单。 2. 健康的生活方式 面对32度桑拿的夏日,人们更加注重健康的生活方式。合理饮食、适量运动,让身体在炎炎夏日中保持健康。 3. 团结的力量 在32度桑拿的夏日,人们团结一心,共同抗击高温。在这场没有硝烟的战争中,人们展现出了顽强的毅力。 四、结语 广州32度桑拿,是夏日里的一抹亮色。在这炎炎夏日,让我们携手共度,感受这个城市的热浪,品味生活的美好。在这个充满挑战的季节,让我们一起迎接夏日的挑战,享受32度桑拿的独特魅力。