广州桑拿论坛,广州条友网,佛山品茶网,夜生活论坛 广州98场推荐 Li Zhichang can also understand Xue Yi’s mood. If a person is lonely for too long and meets someone, he must be eager to talk to that person, even if he is sworn enemies.

Li Zhichang can also understand Xue Yi’s mood. If a person is lonely for too long and meets someone, he must be eager to talk to that person, even if he is sworn enemies.

And the same goes for a person who hasn’t had an opponent for too long.
Li Zhichang white this kind of mood, of course, but also deliberately reveal their identity.
Because you talk to people like Xue Yiren, you have to do it this way, and the other ways have a very general effect.
Xue Yiren said, "Although you were a flying knife in those days, I can feel that the knife made a sword. I think you are also a swordsman."
Li Zhichang laughed. "But I haven’t moved my sword for a long time."
Xue Yiren said, "When fencing reaches a high level, plants, trees, bamboo and stones can all enter the sword. Needless to say, but you can’t lose your hand with my golden iron sword."
Li Zhichang said, "If you are the master here, you will take advantage. Now that you have taken advantage, you might as well take advantage of it more."
Xue Yiren said, "It’s wonderful. The hide the sword room of my sword has been abandoned for a long time. Now I have to take it out, and there is my famous sword. Would Li Daoyou like to go in and visit it?"
Li Zhichang said, "I really want to see it, but I have to take this little girl with me."
Xue Yi people eyed Shi Xiu Yundao "This is Li Daoyou’s confidante? Is a snub. "
Shi Xiuyun’s face flushed with red clouds and whispered, "Master Xue, I am Shi Qingyuan’s daughter."
Xue Yiren was surprised. "It turned out to be Mr. Qingyuan. Are you a sister or a younger sister?"
Shi Xiuyun can’t help but feel sad when she misses her dead sister. "I’m a sister."
Xue Yi people look at her and seem to have something, but at the moment they have to ask these times.
He smiled and laughed. "She is my old daughter around. Is there anyone who will harm her in this villa?"
Li Zhichang said, "She doesn’t know martial arts. Is Master Xue Zhuang afraid that she will take your baby away?"
Xue Yiren said, "In that case, I won’t say much. Li Daoyou come with me."
They walked through the back garden on the gravel road, and there were no bright flowers and trees. Every pavilion and stone was elegant and Gu Zhuo.
Li Zhichang and Xue Yi walked side by side, but there was no talk at this time
Shi Xiuyun can also feel the majesty that suddenly emanates from the two people.
They walked into a quiet bamboo forest, and occasionally a few rays of sunshine spilled from the cracks in the bamboo leaves, which made people feel uneasy.
Chapter 60 Road flyover Bashan Gu
Stepping out of the bamboo forest is a quaint stone house. The iron gate is rusty, but the lock is very smooth.
Walking into the air is not as fresh and natural as it is outside, but it is not boring. Obviously, Xue Yi people often come in.
Xue Yiren suddenly became sharp and said coldly, "I have collected famous swords all my life, so you can look around here."
Li Zhichang in the face of xue garment people aggressive firm but gentle seems to have no feeling at all holding Shi Xiu cloud hand walked casually in the stone room.
Li Zhichang drew a sword from the left to detain the cold front.
This sword has a strange form, and it is started with an ordinary long sword, and it doesn’t even have a weight.
Holding Li Zhichang’s hand, a stream of white clouds, green willows, and the artistic conception in the leisurely tour suddenly came to an end
Li Zhichang sighed, "I’ve always heard that Bashan Sword Sect has been falling apart since Taoist Gu disappeared, because the green Liujian, the token of Bashan Sword Sect, has long lost its trace. Several disciples of Taoist Gu have made a scene. I didn’t expect this green Liujian to be hidden in Xue Xiong’s hide the sword room."
Xue Yiren said, "Taoist Gu’s swordsmanship is really unique in ancient and modern times, but it’s a pity that I can’t be sincere at first sight in my life." It turns out that although Xue Yiren is arrogant, he may not have much respect for ancient and modern swordsmen. Even though the princes and purple clothes in the sword of the past years don’t put them in his eyes, he respects Taoist Gu’s swordsmanship, which is fresh and natural.
The legacy of’ Liu Jianfa’ is not only exquisite, but if it can realize the power of the source, it may also be the thirteen styles of Huashan school breeze.
Xue Yiren not only admired Taoist Gu, but also realized that Bashan Sword School, such as Liu Yinsong, could not get the essence of swordsmanship, so he didn’t intend to give it back to Bashan Sword School after getting the green willow sword.
Li Zhichang also put the sword into the sheath and smiled faintly. "This hide the sword room really deserves the name of hide the sword. I’m afraid every sword is not small, but there is a sword that I think is the best."
Xue Yi said, "Which one?"
Li Zhichang pointed to an obscure corner where there was a lot of dust and there was a sword standing in it, which was also dusty and carefree, and said, "This is it."

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