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This made Signa feel surprised at the bottom of the bed. She quietly lifted the sheets and poked her head out to look at the room. There was no danger from outsiders, which did not relieve Selena. When she was angry, she usually didn’t beat herself when there was no one, but it still depends on Selena’s mood.

It seems that Selena is in a good mood now, but Signa still dare not take the risk.
She bowed her head and touched her belly with hunger, thinking about what she saw behind the haystack in the threshing floor at noon.
Signa let out a sigh gently and just bear it.
Just as Signa was thinking, a plate was pushed in from outside the bed, and there was a quarter of a baked wheat cake in the plate. This baked wheat cake was baked by Selena the day before yesterday, and now it needs to be taken out and baked in the fireplace. It will become a rush. There is still a small piece of cassava and a handful of chickpeas in the plate. After seeing the food in the plate, Signa quickly gathered to the plate and sniffed it like a mouse. She bent down to eat.
These chickpeas should be harvested before harvesting the wheat. There are few chickpeas in the villagers of Woer village. It is not that they don’t like to eat them, but that they simply don’t know how to grow them.
Selena sat in front of a wooden table with a Signa-like plate. There was a piece of wheat cake missing from the plate. She picked up the baked brown cassava and chewed it. She immediately felt a tingling sensation in her mouth, but it wasn’t the cassava that tasted heavy, but it was a little toxic, and it didn’t affect anything except that it would talk to Lickitung when it was too much.
Although the stone house is still swinging, Selena feels that her whole heart has been filled, and her future life has depended on it. She no longer worries that the official in charge of demography suddenly broke in that day and forcibly took herself to another strange place, where there are Signa and more than an acre of wheat fields. This is her home.
Nothing will get better gradually if it is bitter every day.
Recently, the village has been subtly changing before and after the harvest festival in previous years. After harvesting the wheat fields, the villagers will get into the mountains to pick up all kinds of mountain products for winter talks. How much food they hide is worried that they will not be able to survive the cold winter.
Now, when autumn comes, the atmosphere of fear has diluted a lot of sulfur mines dug up by the strong laborers in many villages. According to the old village head, these sulfur mines can sell for a lot of money, and these miners can get a silver coin every day. If they get it to Hailansa City for fine wheat flour, it will be enough for her and Signa to eat for four months.
Although she is a Surdak woman, Dailina doesn’t want to take a penny from him for nothing. She wants to discuss it with the old village head after the harvest festival and let her go to the Pustuca Mountain sulfur mine to mine. Anyway, there needs to be someone in charge of cooking in the mining area!
If you can do it for two weeks, you can stop worrying about winter.
When Selena looked in the mirror, she found a petal-like red mark on her chest. Her face turned slightly red, and she wondered with some distress how to cover up the red mark when she went out, otherwise she would be seen by the women in the village who had sharp teeth and sharp mouths but had no bad thoughts. I don’t know what would happen.
In the afternoon, the sun was no longer so sunny. Selena returned to the threshing floor, but she didn’t see Surdak listening to the threshing floor again. The old people said that Surdak left the village in a hurry at noon, as if something was in a hurry.
Selena’s hand leaned against the wheat pile, and she was a little worried for a while.
A young man from Digo village ran to Woer village and sent a message to Surdak, the old village chief, saying that there were traces of a gang of robbers in the grand canyon next to Digo village. They hunted wild goats in the canyon, peeled and peeled the meat along the river in the center of the canyon, and left some tattered goatskins after the evacuation. Are these goatskins covered with fascia blown dry by the wind or are they soft inside?
The village chiefs of the surrounding natural villages happened to call the’ Patrol Guard Council’ in Digo Village to discuss how many people each village would send to patrol.
The whereabouts of the bandit gang were immediately placed at the village head meeting, and the village heads of all villages immediately sent letters to the villages and called for people to prepare to drive away the bandits in the Grand Canyon.
It is precisely for this reason that Digo village sent messengers to the villages. When Suldak heard this from the young people in Digo village, he immediately decided to go to Digo village.
In recent days, due to emergencies, he usually wears leather armor during the day. At this time, he doesn’t wear complicated leather armor of Warcraft. The Roman sword hangs around his waist and the iris shield is put in his magic pocket. He can go to the threshing floor to pull his horse out and start at once.
The threshing floor didn’t see Selena Suldak looking at Selena Stone House from a distance and trying to say something to Selena, but the thought of Signa MengMeng looking at herself made Suldak shudder all over, which was like wearing boxers in the cold wind.
Surdak decided not to say goodbye!
He led the horse to the entrance of the village, and the young man pointed out the direction and galloped all the way along a mountain road with faint traces to Digo Village.
Digo Village Wale Village is completely different. Digo Village is located halfway up Pagelos Mountain, and there is no mountain spring here. Therefore, the whole mountain village looks green. All the houses are made of limestone, and the roof is covered with triangular wooden frames and thatch. However, Digo Village looks much bigger than Bivol Village. There are about 200 households in it, which is three times that of Wale Village.
After entering Digo village, I found that … although the village near Digo village is deserted, this village occupies the entrance of the Grand Canyon, and there is a river in this canyon with some agricultural crops planted on the slopes on both sides. There is not enough sunshine in it, and the wheat fields here look lush.
Surdak rode beside the canyon and looked down at the whole canyon.
"The wheat fields in our village are different from those in his village. If you want to harvest less wheat, you have to wait for twenty days."
Not far from the mill, a middle-aged man looked at Surdak and gave him a gift and said
Then the middle-aged man asked, "Did this knight also come to track down the bandit group?"
Surdak nodded his head.
Chapter 24 The Grand Canyon
In the largest stone building in Surdakdigo village, I saw the old village head and a group of middle-aged and elderly people pointing around the table sand table, but they were not commanders in the army. It was great that the sand table could find out the general activity area of the bandit group.
Behind this group of village chiefs are a row of young men and women who are also listening attentively to the discussion of the village chiefs at the moment.
These young men and women were surprised to see Surdak coming in wearing a leather suit of Warcraft. The village chiefs also noticed the commotion behind them. Some people looked back and saw Surdak walking into the stone house.

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