"Good familiarity"

"As if …"
A great avatar looked at the rippling law, the light in the sea frowned and said doubtfully
He seems
I’ve seen this ray of light there
"Take the divine light!"
Suddenly a sound rang in his ear to remind him of the origin of this light.
This is the sound of wind and purple.
"It’s just that I have received God’s light and been original, and I have received friends and felt similar breath."
Being awakened, the man said excitedly
Connect with divine light
Receive the light of all beings!
The only ability of this light, as its name implies, is to connect with it.
When the divine light comes out, it can attract everything.
of course
That’s the highest level of receiving divine light.
Obviously, it’s not up to this point to attract divine light here. Its ability is relatively simple and it can attract immortals.
"The name of this light is combined with Zhou Tianxing’s efforts in heaven and heaven, and it is different to attract saints and people. It is not to shine on all beings but to attract immortals."
"The law of the sea to suppress the flood and the land law has been compressed to the extreme and Jin Xian is no longer allowed."
"That is to say, once someone shows the power of Jin Xian, it will be sensed by the law sea, so that it will be led by the divine light inside and led to the heaven, and the earth is not allowed to stay."
Conveniently detained to a wisp of lead divine wind zichen explained to the people.
Very simple!
The influence of the divine light on the law of the sea is not directed at people, but at the power of Jin Xian
As long as you show that your strength is not higher than that of Jin Xian, you can leave a vast expanse of land in any kind of realm.
But once you surpass Jin Xian, I’m sorry that whoever you are will be led by the divine light and forcibly sent to heaven.
Chapter six hundred and forty-two The tide has become
"Heaven is really a heart!"
Silent for a long time before the great avatar tone inexplicably said
This remark has been made very plain.
If they want to suppress Taiyi Jin Xian’s strength in the future, the law of the sea will not have any impact on them, and they can do whatever they want.
The conditions have been given. If they violate the power comparable to Taiyi Jin Xian, don’t blame Heaven for forcibly taking them out of the vast land without mercy.
"You Taoist friends are all great men, and it is time to understand heaven and protect the vast land."
"It’s strange that Tiandao is so serious. It’s just that the tragedy happened before was too penetrating!"
See the people gradually accept the fact that the wind zichen hypocritically said
What heaven has painstakingly planned this time? He planned heaven by himself, but he just pushed the boat with the flow.
But now, in order to pick herself out, Feng Zichen simply dumped the pot directly by the opportunity that everyone didn’t know the specific situation.
I don’t blame Feng Zichen for being so big. Only heaven can carry him, but I can’t afford it anyway.
It is a great good thing for the universe to be suspicious, but once this move is successful, it will certainly offend all the masters of the universe
Even if Feng Zichen boasts the number of cards, she dare not do such a thing.
I am afraid that people will find out that he planned all this behind the scenes. Of course, he wants to throw all the pots out before the incident.
And who can be the best candidate except Heaven?
First of all, heaven is strong enough!
Besides Pangu, it belongs to him.
The second heaven can’t speak, even if he knew that Feng Zichen would throw the pot at him, he wouldn’t take the initiative to explain all this to the great avatar.
Probably disdain!
Finally, I don’t worry about his revenge after throwing the pot to Heaven, because this is what he wants.
If Heaven retaliates against Feng Zichen, who will dare to work for him in the future?
"Say yes!"
Embarrassed smile, the great avatar said wryly
Feng Zichen said this.
When really let them can’t answer.
Who is heaven doing this to prevent?
It’s not just their great magical powers!
If it weren’t for the fact that the Lich Family did too much to break the universe and make heaven fear, how could so many things be born now?
The great magical powers secretly thought in their hearts and regretted it even more.
If I had known what happened today, they would not have been happy to watch the battle, but stopped it before.
I believe that when they are discouraged, the roots of the Lich II clan will not fight, and even if they fight, the scale will not be that large.
At least
They can persuade people to fight in the chaos of outer space.

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